which has the highest lattice energy BaO or SrO


MgoO has maximum lattice energy

To determine which compound, BaO (barium oxide) or SrO (strontium oxide), has the higher lattice energy, we need to compare the charges of the ions and their sizes.

Lattice energy refers to the energy required to separate an ionic solid into its gaseous ions. It depends on the strength of the attractive forces between the ions, which is influenced by both ionic charge and ionic radius.

First, let's compare the charges of the ions. BaO consists of Ba2+ cations and O2- anions, while SrO consists of Sr2+ cations and O2- anions. Both compounds have the same O2- anions.

Since both Ba2+ and Sr2+ carry the same charge, the difference in ionic charge does not play a significant role in determining the lattice energy. Therefore, we need to consider the ionic radii.

Looking at the periodic table, we can see that strontium (Sr) is below barium (Ba). As we move down a group on the periodic table, the atomic size tends to increase due to the addition of new energy levels or shells. Hence, we can infer that the ionic radius of Sr2+ is larger than that of Ba2+.

The larger ionic radius of Sr2+ means that the Sr2+ cations will be farther apart from each other in the solid lattice compared to the Ba2+ cations, which results in weaker attractive forces between ions.

Therefore, BaO is expected to have a higher lattice energy than SrO because the smaller ionic radius of Ba2+ leads to stronger attractive forces between the ions in the solid lattice.

To summarize, BaO likely has a higher lattice energy compared to SrO due to the smaller ionic radius of Ba2+.

SrO has maximum lattice energy

Each compound has the same charge, so size is the next criteria. As the internuclear distance goes up the lattice energy goes down. SrO > BaO