how do you write 25,000 and 432 in spanish?

i know how to say it but i can't spell them so I'm not to sure about that.

veinte y cinco mil
cuatrocientos treinta y dos

25,000 is spelled veinticinco mil

ayer maria y Javier _______ a la playa con sus amigos.______

2. La pelicula del sabado por la tarde __________ muy bonita.___________

To write 25,000 in Spanish, you would write "veinticinco mil". Here's how you can break it down:

1. Start with the number "25" - "veinticinco".
2. Add the word for thousand - "mil".
3. Combine the two parts to get "veinticinco mil".

To write 432 in Spanish, you would write "cuatrocientos treinta y dos". Here's how it breaks down:

1. Start with the digit "4" - "cuatro".
2. Add the word for hundred - "cientos".
3. Move on to the digit "3" - "treinta".
4. Add the conjunction "y" (meaning "and").
5. Finish with the digit "2" - "dos".
6. Combine all the parts to get "cuatrocientos treinta y dos".

Remember that in Spanish, numbers are typically written without commas to separate the thousands.