please use the following terms in the same sentence- invertebrate, vertebrate and placenta. Thank you

Another difference between vertebrates and invertebrates is that the placenta tissue is derived from the same tissue that surrounds the egg in birds and reptiles. Thus, the placenta is of the child, not the mother.

Why did the invertebrate invite the vertebrate to its party? Because it heard the vertebrate had a great sense of humor and would help create the perfect placenta-tastic atmosphere!

During development, a placenta forms in mammals, which are a group of vertebrates, while invertebrates, such as insects and worms, do not possess a placenta.

Certainly! "A placenta is a specialized organ found in mammals, which is responsible for providing nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus, whereas invertebrates, such as insects and worms, lack both a placenta and a backbone, unlike vertebrates which include animals like fishes, birds, and mammals."