First I sort the fractions into each title.

Under the title Near 0 (zero) I have 2/19, 1/4, 2/5
Under the title Near 1/2 I have 4/7, 5/8
Under the title Near 1 I have 9/10, 7/9, 12/15
They want me to describe any patterns I see. I don't understand.
Could you please help me, thank you.

Try changing the fractions to decimals to find a pattern. That should help.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you understand the patterns in the fractions you have sorted. Let's break it down step by step.

You have sorted the fractions into three groups based on their proximity to certain values:

1. Near 0 (zero): 2/19, 1/4, 2/5
2. Near 1/2: 4/7, 5/8
3. Near 1: 9/10, 7/9, 12/15

Now, let's examine each group to look for any patterns:

1. Near 0 (zero):
- The numerator of each fraction is smaller than the denominator, meaning the fractions are less than 1.
- The fractions gradually increase in value from 2/19 to 2/5.
- The denominators of the fractions are all different.

2. Near 1/2:
- The fractions are all greater than 1/2 but less than 1.
- The numerators of the fractions (4, 5) are close to the denominator (7, 8).
- The denominators of the fractions are increasing.

3. Near 1:
- All fractions in this group are very close to 1, with numerator and denominator values almost equal.
- The fractions 9/10, 7/9 are close to 1, but not as close as 12/15.
- The numerator and denominator of 12/15 can be simplified to 4/5, meaning it is also close to 4/5.

Overall, the patterns that can be observed are:
- In the "Near 0" group, the fractions gradually increase in value and have different denominators.
- In the "Near 1/2" group, the fractions are all larger than 1/2 and have numerators close to their denominators, which are increasing.
- In the "Near 1" group, the fractions are very close to 1, either by having equal numerator and denominator values or through simplification.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the patterns in the sorted fractions.