Read this carefully.


wierd flex but ok

The muscle that is contracted to flex your forearm is the biceps brachii. Now, let me explain how you can find the answer to this question.

To determine which muscle is responsible for flexing the forearm, it's important to understand the anatomical structures involved. In this case, the biceps brachii is the primary muscle responsible for flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint. It is located on the anterior side (front) of the upper arm.

To locate the biceps brachii on your own body, follow these steps:

1. Start by standing or sitting in a relaxed position, with your arm hanging freely.
2. Look at the front of your upper arm, where the bend of your elbow is located.
3. Place your fingers on the middle of your upper arm and gently contract your forearm by flexing your elbow joint, as if you were trying to touch your shoulder.
4. As you do this, you should feel a thick, rounded muscle on the front side of your upper arm becoming more prominent. This is the biceps brachii.

It's important to note that the biceps brachii is not the only muscle involved in flexing the forearm, but it is the primary muscle responsible for this movement. Other muscles, such as the brachialis and brachioradialis, also assist in forearm flexion to varying degrees.