how to clasify by angles...

x, 60 degress, 61 degrees =

so I add 60 to 61 and it equals 121 so does that mean its a obtuse angle?

I have one moe question, I'll post it.

Classifying angles by their measures is based on their size. Here are the classifications for angles:

1. Acute angle: An angle measuring less than 90 degrees.
2. Right angle: An angle measuring exactly 90 degrees.
3. Obtuse angle: An angle measuring more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.
4. Straight angle: An angle measuring exactly 180 degrees.

To classify the angles x, 60 degrees, and 61 degrees, you need to compare their measures to these classifications.

For the given angles:
- Angle x is not specified, so we cannot determine its classification.
- A 60-degree angle is acute because it is less than 90 degrees.
- A 61-degree angle is also acute, as it is less than 90 degrees.

To classify an angle, you cannot simply add the measures of two angles together. Each angle is assessed individually based on its own measurement.