in a survey of 45 people,25 liked calypso and 37 reggae .some person liked both calypso and reggae

both reggae and calypso
reggae only
calypso only
draw a venn diagram to show the information

To calculate the number of people who liked both reggae and calypso, we need to use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

From the given information, we know that 25 people liked calypso and 37 people liked reggae. We also know that some people liked both calypso and reggae.

Step 1: Calculate the number of people who liked both reggae and calypso.
To find this number, we need to subtract the number of people who liked calypso only and the number of people who liked reggae only from the total number of people.

Total number of people = 45
Number of people who liked calypso only = 25 - (number of people who liked both reggae and calypso)
Number of people who liked reggae only = 37 - (number of people who liked both reggae and calypso)

Step 2: Calculate the number of people who liked reggae only and calypso only.
To find this number, we subtract the number of people who liked both reggae and calypso from the number of people who liked reggae only and the number of people who liked calypso only.

Reggae only = Number of people who liked reggae only - Number of people who liked both reggae and calypso
Calypso only = Number of people who liked calypso only - Number of people who liked both reggae and calypso

Let's calculate:

Both reggae and calypso = Total number of people - (Calypso only + Reggae only)
Both reggae and calypso = 45 - (25 + 37 - X) [where X is the number of people who liked both reggae and calypso]

To draw a Venn diagram, we can represent the number of people who liked calypso only as A, the number of people who liked reggae only as B, and the number of people who liked both reggae and calypso as X.

So, the Venn diagram would look like:

Calypso (A)
/ \
/ \
(X) Reggae (B)

Using the information mentioned above, now you can perform the calculations to find the specific values.