Identify the parallel element in the sentence? Eating an animal has not always been an automatic or an everyday affair;it has tended to be done on solemn occasions and for a specific treat.

There are three.

Eating an animal has not always been ... it has tended to be done

an automatic or an everyday ...

on solemn occasions and for a specific treat.

The parallel element in the sentence is the use of two parallel phrases:

1) "an automatic or an everyday affair"
2) "done on solemn occasions and for a specific treat"

In the given sentence, the parallel elements are "an automatic or an everyday affair" and "on solemn occasions and for a specific treat." These elements are parallel because they are both expressing different ways in which eating an animal is traditionally done. To identify parallel elements in a sentence, look for similar grammatical structures or patterns that convey the same meaning. In this case, both phrases start with a preposition ("an" and "on") followed by a noun phrase ("automatic or everyday affair" and "solemn occasions and for a specific treat").