a hibiscus plant was attacked by mealybugs which completely destroyed them.what is the relationship between

the mealybug and the hibiscus plant.

oh come on, this is the easiest thing i have ever heard. google much?

i say its parasitism -- the bug benefits while the plant is harmed

The relationship between the mealybug and the hibiscus plant is a parasitic one. Mealybugs are small insects that feed on the sap of plants, including hibiscus plants. They attach themselves to the plant and suck out the vital nutrients from the leaves, stems, and flowers. This feeding activity weakens the hibiscus plant, which can eventually lead to its death if not treated.

To find more information about the relationship between mealybugs and hibiscus plants, you can conduct research by following these steps:

1. Use a search engine: Start by using a search engine like Google to search for "mealybugs and hibiscus relationship" or similar keywords. This will provide you with a list of relevant websites and resources.

2. Visit reliable sources: Open the search results and look for reputable sources such as university websites, botanical gardens, or agricultural extension services. These sources usually provide accurate and reliable information.

3. Read articles and publications: Look for articles or publications that specifically discuss the relationship between mealybugs and hibiscus plants. These sources might provide scientific insights, explanations, and possible control measures.

4. Check for pest control recommendations: While researching, also look for pest control recommendations to prevent or manage mealybug infestations on hibiscus plants. Experts often provide guidance on detecting, treating, and preventing such pest problems.

By following these steps, you will be able to gather relevant information about the relationship between mealybugs and hibiscus plants and understand the impact and implications of their interaction.