polly wants to build a rectangular dog pen for her poodle. She has 24ft of fencing in 1 ft sections. What are the dimensions of the best dog pen for polly's poodle? explain

Please help my teacher never explains just hands out problems

problem problem just says rectangular dog ben nothing about squar feet so i am assuming so that the dog has the most room

You might try a few possible dimensions to see which produces the largest pen.

A = 2L + 2W

A = 2(3) + 2(9)

A = 2(4) + 2(8)

A = 2(6) + 2(6)

A = 2(4) + 2(8)

8 + 16 = 24
then you would divide the 8 and the 16 by 2 giving the dimensions

4 4 8 8 =24

is this correct

Right that would produce a pen that was 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. It would contain 32 square feet.

However a square pen that was 6 feet on each side would have an area of 36 square feet.

thank you

You're welcome.

What do you mean by "best?" Is it a long narrow pen so that the dog can run? Or is a pen with the most square feet?