Can you make a sentence that is not to hard to understand using the words growth factor, exponential form, and decay factor?


That's not very helpful...

We don't know what's "not hard to understand" for you.

If you tell us what those words mean, we'll be glad to help you make a sentence using them.

Decay factor- the constant factor that each value in an exponential decay pattern is multiplied by to get the next value

Growth factor- a constant factor that each value in an exponential growth pattern is multiplied by to get the next value

Exponential form- a quantity expressed as a number raised to a power

Both the decay and growth factors are multiplied by exponential forms to get the next values.

why the hell didn't you give me the answer

Sure! Here's a sentence that includes the words "growth factor," "exponential form," and "decay factor": "When a quantity increases steadily over time, the growth factor can be represented in exponential form, while in cases of decreasing quantities, the decay factor is used."