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Give two numbers between which the exact answer falls:
3,567 – 1, 095

Explain your reasoning.

3 567 - 1 095 = 2 472

It falls between 2,000 and 3,000.


To find the two numbers between which the exact answer falls, we need to perform the subtraction and determine the range in which the answer lies.

First, subtract the smaller number from the larger number:
3,567 - 1,095 = 2,472

Now, we know that the exact answer is 2,472. To find the two numbers between which this answer falls, we can look at the neighboring numbers on either side of 2,472.

Let's start by subtracting 1 from the answer:
2,472 - 1 = 2,471

Next, let's add 1 to the answer:
2,472 + 1 = 2,473

Therefore, the two numbers between which the exact answer falls are 2,471 and 2,473.

In summary, the range of numbers between which the answer falls is 2,471 to 2,473.