When I wrote my essay and sent it through the CWE it showed me alot of passive voice. Can someone give me an examlpe of this and the right way to re-write so I can fix my mistakes.

My example....
All factors needs to be looked into before closing schools.

This is a good site on active and passive voices. http://www.rhlschool.com/eng3n28.htm

Writing in passive voice is much less effective.
For active voice the action needs to move from the subject through the verb to an object. S -> O
In a passive voice the action moves from the verb back to the subject
S -> O
Example: The dog bit the boy
S <-
The boy was bitten by the dog


READ that. Let me repeat, read that. If you are writing passively as a habit, then print it out and put in front of your desk as a reminder.

Closing a school requires examining all factors beforehand.

Sure, here is an example of a sentence written in passive voice:

"All factors need to be looked into before closing schools."

To rewrite this sentence in active voice, you need to identify the subject, verb, and object. In this case, the subject is "all factors," the verb is "need," and there is no explicit object.

To revise this sentence in active voice, you can make the subject the doer of the action by reorganizing the sentence:

"Before closing schools, it is essential to examine all factors."

In this revised sentence, the subject "it" performs the action ("to examine") on the object, which is "all factors." By using active voice, the sentence becomes more direct and engaging.