I try to write a summary for Mañana de Sol. So, can anyone please check my grammar and vocabulary? Thank you!

“Mañana de Sol” dos desconocidos se encuetran en el parque y, aunque al comienzo no se dan muy bién, terminan por siendo amigos. Los dos personajes, que ya tienen una cierta edad, eran amantes quando más nuevos, pero ellos no saben de eso cuando se encuentran. Cuando ellos se encuentran empezar a discutir sobre los pajaros y el banco de la plaza. Don Gonzalo, el señor, casi que llama a su ayudante para que el lo lleve a otro lugar. Dona Laura queda incomodada con la manera en que Don Gonzalo le habla.

Los dos personajes empiezan a hablar sobre un romance del pasado del cual los dos conocen. Dona Laura supuestamente conocía a la personaje del romance y Don Gonzalo conocía la familia de el personaje hombre del romance. La verdad es que los dos estan hablando de ellos mismos pero ninguno quiere admitirlo. Además, invetan algunas mentiras para contarse sobre el fin que cada uno de los personajes del romance tuvo. Al final de la historia, los dos senores se van, prometiendo encontrarse en el mismo banco el dia siguiente.

your vocabulary its ok but u have to chek ur grammar.

Sure, I can help you with that. Here's a corrected version of your summary:

"Mañana de Sol" is a story about two strangers who meet in the park and, although they don't get along at first, end up becoming friends. The two characters, who are already of a certain age, used to be lovers when they were younger, but they don't know that when they meet. When they meet, they start arguing about the birds and the bench at the square. Don Gonzalo, the gentleman, almost calls his assistant to take him somewhere else. Doña Laura feels uncomfortable with the way Don Gonzalo talks to her.

The two characters begin to talk about a past romance that they both know about. Supposedly, Doña Laura knew the person involved in the romance, and Don Gonzalo knew the family of the male character in the romance. The truth is that they are both talking about themselves, but neither wants to admit it. Additionally, they invent some lies to tell each other about what happened to the characters in the romance. At the end of the story, the two gentlemen leave, promising to meet at the same bench the next day.

When checking grammar and vocabulary, it's important to pay attention to verb tenses, spelling, and agreement between nouns and adjectives. You also want to make sure your sentences are clear and convey your intended meaning.