what did the colonist argue about?

They argued about everything that modern people argue about -- the right way to govern the colonies, power, land, property, how to defend the colonies, and religion.


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The colonists in America during the colonial period argued about a variety of issues, primarily centering around their relationship with Britain and their desire for greater autonomy. Some of the key arguments and grievances included:

1. Taxation without representation: The colonists resented being taxed by the British government without having any representation or say in the decisions made regarding those taxes.

2. Trade regulations and economic policies: The British imposed strict trade regulations that limited the colonies' economic activities and prevented them from freely trading with other nations. The colonists argued for more economic freedom and the ability to conduct their own trade.

3. Lack of self-governance: The colonists felt that they should have more autonomy in making their own laws and governing themselves, rather than being subject to laws made by a distant British Parliament.

4. Quartering Act: The British imposed the Quartering Act, which required the colonists to provide food and shelter to British soldiers stationed in America. This was seen as an infringement on their rights and property.

5. British colonial policies: Some colonists opposed British policies, such as the Proclamation of 1763, which restricted westward expansion, and the Stamp Act, which imposed taxes on certain printed materials.

To understand the specifics of these arguments, it is helpful to study primary sources such as historical documents, pamphlets, and writings from that time period. These sources provide insight into the colonists' reasoning and the events that led to the American Revolution.