how does juliet respond to Paris'gallantries when she mets him at Friar Laurence's ?

To find out how Juliet responds to Paris' gallantries when she meets him at Friar Laurence's, we need to refer to the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. Specifically, Act IV, Scene 1.

1. Access a copy of the play: Look for a physical or digital copy of "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. You can find it in libraries, bookstores, or by searching online.

2. Locate Act IV, Scene 1: Open the play and find Act IV, Scene 1. You can either use the table of contents or scan through the pages until you find the desired scene.

3. Read the dialogue: Once you have reached Act IV, Scene 1, start reading the dialogue between Juliet and Paris. Pay attention to Juliet's responses to Paris' gallantries. This will reveal how Juliet reacts to his advances.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the answer to how Juliet responds to Paris' gallantries when she meets him at Friar Laurence's.