I have to do a project on 4 types of writing. Fictional narrative, Personal narrative, Informational writing and Persuasive writing.

The project consists of giving characteristics of each, as well as 2 prompts (examples) for each.

This is what I have so far. Please tell me if it is correct.


GOAL: Tells a story or part of a story.


* Main characters, minor characters,
& character development
* Dialogue- Reveals character;
advances plot
* Setting - time, place, mood, &
* Plot with a central conflict
* Point of View - Fist person, third
* Beginnings, Transitions, and

PROMPTS: I need help with 2 examples for Fictional Narrative Writing.


GOAL: the writer relates an event, incident or experience in his or her own life.


* Focuses on one experience
* Shows the purpose clearly
* The events are most often in the
order in which they actually
* Expresses the writer's thoughts
and feelings
* Written in first person "I"
* Has many relevant sensory details
* Must have why it is important
and/or how it affected the writer

PROMPTS: (Are these good examples of Personal Narrative Writing?)

1. My trip to Disney World.
2 Learning how to swim.


Goal: To inform, explain, clarify, define or instruct.


* Focuses on main topic
* Details, explanations, and
* Clarity
* Organized
* Logical order

PROMPTS: I need help with 2 examples for this one


GOAL: To persuade or convince someone to do something that you want them to do.


* Stresses benefits
* Proves its case
* Closes with a call to action

PROMPTS: Are these good examples of Persuasive writing?

1. Reasons why you should not smoke.
2. Should Public School students be
required to wear uniforms?

I know that this alot of information; but I would appreciate any help that you provide

Thank you for your time.


Your details for each type of writing are fine. The only thing I would add is to "address the opposing view(s)" in persuasive writing.

Prompt suggestions:

Fictional narrative -- 1) Three siblings think it'll be great fun to play in the deep snow outside, but they find that it's more work than fun; 2) two friends travel by train between Los Angeles and San Francisco (their views of the Pacific Ocean, the people they met, their first experience in a dining car, etc.).

Informational -- 1) explain why it's not a good idea to post too much personal information about oneself electronically [in Facebook or MySpace, in IMs, in text messages, etc.]; 2) instruct how to make a PB&J sandwich.

I appreciate your suggestions comments. Thanks so much.

Your understanding of the characteristics and goals of each type of writing is correct. Here are some prompt examples to help you complete your project:

Fictional Narrative Writing:
1. Write a story about a young girl who discovers a hidden portal to a magical world.
2. Imagine you wake up one day with the ability to fly. Write a story about how this newfound power changes your life.

Personal Narrative Writing:
1. Share a personal experience when you faced a difficult decision and explain how it shaped your life.
2. Describe a special family tradition that holds meaning for you and explain why it is important in your life.

Informational Writing:
1. Explain the process of how a cloud is formed, including the different types of clouds.
2. Describe the life cycle of a butterfly, detailing each stage from egg to adult.

Persuasive Writing:
1. Write a persuasive essay arguing against the use of single-use plastic and advocating for alternative forms of packaging.
2. Argue whether or not students should have a longer summer vacation, presenting reasons and evidence to support your stance.

Your prompt examples are good and aligned with the characteristics of each type of writing. They provide clear situations or topics for students to write about. Great job!