19. All of the following statements about Brazil's economy are true EXCEPT:

a. Because of the development of gasohol, Brazil no longer has to import expensive foreign oil
b. Industrial developments have destroyed the middle class
c. Jobs in service industries usually pay more than jobs in agriculture
d. Despite industrial development, poverty remains in the cities and the agricultural northeast.


The main landforms of Mexico are the Sierra Madres and the
a. central plateau
b. Isthmus of Panama
c. Amazon Basin
d. Andes


19 is wrong.

The second one is correct.

To get the answer for the first question, you can evaluate each statement and determine which one is false.

a. Because of the development of gasohol, Brazil no longer has to import expensive foreign oil: This statement is usually true. Brazil has made significant advancements in producing and utilizing biofuels, such as gasohol, which is a blend of gasoline and ethanol made from sugarcane. This has reduced Brazil's dependence on expensive foreign oil imports.

b. Industrial developments have destroyed the middle class: This statement is subjective and cannot be proven true or false. Industrial developments can have complex effects on the middle class, including both positive and negative impacts, so it is difficult to make a generalization.

c. Jobs in service industries usually pay more than jobs in agriculture: This statement is generally true. Service industries tend to offer higher wages compared to agriculture, which often involves manual labor and lower skill requirements.

d. Despite industrial development, poverty remains in the cities and the agricultural northeast: This statement is true. Despite Brazil's industrial development, poverty persists in cities and the agricultural northeast. Economic inequality is a significant issue in Brazil, with high levels of poverty and income disparities.

Based on the evaluation above, the false statement is:

b. Industrial developments have destroyed the middle class.

Now, moving on to the second question:

The main landforms of Mexico are the Sierra Madres and the

a. central plateau
b. Isthmus of Panama
c. Amazon Basin
d. Andes

The correct answer is:

a. central plateau

Mexico's main landforms include the Sierra Madres mountain ranges (Sierra Madre Occidental in the west, Sierra Madre Oriental in the east), but the most prominent feature is the central plateau, known as the Mexican Plateau or the Mexican Altiplano. It is a large region of highlands and plateaus located between the two Sierra Madres. The Isthmus of Panama is located in Central America, the Amazon Basin belongs to South America, and the Andes are a mountain range in South America.