19. Which one of the following lines best illustrates personification?

What lines?

Which one of the following lines best illustrates personification?

A. She floated graceful as a dove.

B. The fog comes on little cat feet.
C. Spring is a dream unsung.
D. A narrow wind complains all day.

To find the best line that illustrates personification, we need to understand what personification means. Personification is a figure of speech in which non-human objects or abstract ideas are given human characteristics or qualities.

To identify personification in a line, look for words and phrases that attribute human qualities, emotions, or actions to a non-human subject.

Without any specific lines provided, it is challenging to give a direct answer. However, here is an explanation of how you can identify personification in a line:

1. Look for inanimate objects or abstract concepts: Personification often occurs when inanimate objects or abstract concepts are given human-like qualities. Examples of inanimate objects include furniture, plants, or even weather elements like wind or rain. Abstract concepts can include emotions, ideas, or natural phenomena.

2. Identify human attributes given to non-human subjects: Personification involves attributing human emotions, thoughts, actions, or characteristics to these inanimate objects or abstract concepts. Look for verbs, adjectives, or phrases that ascribe human qualities.

Once you have the lines in question, you can analyze each option and identify the one that best meets these criteria.