i need to provide an example of how my own values and beliefs impact on my work with individuals experiencing mental illness

This answer would vary depending on your actual values and beliefs. So I don't think we could help you.

If you have strong religious beliefs, you may have trouble empathisizing with a patient who's an atheist.

For years, I had difficulty working with people who suffered from depression: I veiwed it as a weakness, a choice, in them.

Currently, I have great difficulty working with folks with personality disorders, such as antisocial; and immature disorders.

Is this a result of my WASP upbringing? Perhaps. Is it a result of my career in the military, where I was shielded from these folks? Perhaps.

To provide an example of how your own values and beliefs impact your work with individuals experiencing mental illness, you can follow these steps:

1. Reflect on your personal values and beliefs: Take some time to think about your own values and beliefs regarding mental health, well-being, and the overall understanding and support of individuals with mental illness. Consider how these values and beliefs might influence your interactions and approach when working with such individuals.

2. Identify specific values and beliefs: Once you have reflected on your values and beliefs, identify the specific ones that are most relevant to your work with individuals experiencing mental illness. For example, you might believe in the importance of empathy, respect, and the destigmatization of mental health.

3. Consider their impact on your work: Next, think about how these values and beliefs shape your interactions and interventions with individuals who have mental health challenges. For instance, if you value empathy, it might influence your ability to connect with individuals on a deeper level and understand their experiences.

4. Provide an example: Now, draw from your experiences to provide an example that demonstrates how your values and beliefs impact your work. For instance, you could share a situation where your belief in the importance of destigmatization led you to challenge misconceptions about mental illness during a group therapy session, or how your value of respect influenced your approach to creating a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to share their experiences.

Remember, it is crucial to maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of the individuals you work with while sharing examples.