Why did americans go to the Gadsden purchase?

What resources where there at the Gadsden purchase?

Please Help!! (i could not find this answer anywhere)

Land, land, land -- that expanded the U.S. territory. The Americans also wanted to build a railroad in this area.

Check these sites for more details.



what were the resources?

Land, land, land.

The Gadsden Purchase was an important historical event that took place in 1853. It involved the United States purchasing a significant portion of land from Mexico, known as the Gadsden Purchase, for the purpose of building a transcontinental railroad. Let me explain how Americans ended up going to the Gadsden Purchase and what resources were present there.

1. Why did Americans go to the Gadsden Purchase?
To understand the reasons behind the American decision to go to the Gadsden Purchase, we need to look into the historical context. During the mid-19th century, there was a growing interest among Americans to expand both their territory and influence westward. This expansion was primarily driven by economic motives, including the desire for increased trade and access to valuable resources.

The United States government, under President Franklin Pierce, aimed to build a transcontinental railroad that would connect the East Coast with the rapidly expanding western territories. The existing routes for the railroad were difficult to construct due to challenging geography and Native American territories. As a result, American officials sought an alternative southern route that would bypass these obstacles.

This led to negotiations with Mexico, which resulted in the Gadsden Purchase. The goal was to secure a strip of land along the present-day southern borders of Arizona and New Mexico. The acquisition of this territory would provide a more practical pathway for the transcontinental railroad while avoiding the difficult terrain found further north.

2. What resources were present at the Gadsden Purchase?
The Gadsden Purchase region was primarily arid, rugged land with sparse settlements. It did not contain abundant natural resources like gold, silver, or fertile farming land, which were more commonly sought during westward expansion. However, the region did possess valuable strategic advantages for the new railroad route.

For example, the Gadsden Purchase offered a more direct route between the newly established American territories in California and the existing American settlements in Texas, which had just been annexed to the United States.

Additionally, the purchase allowed the United States to secure a critical border passage, including modern-day El Paso, which had commercial and military significance. The area had potential as a trade corridor and provided access to Mexico's northern regions.

To summarize, Americans went to the Gadsden Purchase to secure a more practical southern route for the transcontinental railroad, enabling westward expansion and facilitating trade. Despite the limited availability of natural resources, the region held strategic importance for transportation and geopolitical reasons.