The four parts in which I had to go through this investigation was:

Part 1: Practice
Part 2: Does mass affect the swing rate of a pendulum?
Part 3:Does Arc length affect the swing rate of a pendulum?
Part 4:Does Length affect the swing rate of a pendulum.

It asks why was it necessary to do this investigation in four parts?

I just put, that it was necessary to do this investigation in four parts because each part has a variable which we have to go through to see if it will affect the swing rate of the pendulum.

More info would be appreciated, thanks :-)

To properly investigate the factors affecting the swing rate of a pendulum, it was necessary to break the investigation into four parts. Each part focused on a specific variable and examined its impact on the swing rate. This method of dividing the investigation into parts allows for a clearer understanding of the individual effects of each variable.

By systematically varying one factor at a time while keeping others constant, you can isolate the influence of that particular factor on the swing rate. This approach helps to determine the independent effect of each variable and prevents any confounding or overlapping effects that may arise if multiple variables were changed simultaneously.

Part 1, the practice phase, was likely carried out to familiarize yourself with the experimental setup and procedures, ensuring accuracy and consistency in subsequent parts.

Part 2 examined the relationship between mass and the swing rate of a pendulum. By altering the mass of the pendulum while keeping other factors constant, you could observe how changes in mass affected the pendulum's swing rate.

In Part 3, the focus shifted to the arc length of the pendulum. By adjusting the length of the arc while holding other variables constant, you could investigate if arc length influenced the swing rate.

Lastly, Part 4 examined how the length of the pendulum itself affected the swing rate. By changing the length of the pendulum while keeping other variables constant, you could determine the impact of pendulum length on the swing rate.

By conducting the investigation in this manner, you can analyze and compare the results from each part individually. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of how each variable independently affects the pendulum's swing rate and enables you to draw conclusions based on the specific relationships observed in each part of the investigation.