can you check my answers in the parenthesis

1)The molecular structure around the oxygen in water is (bent)

2)The molecular structure around all the carbons in ethanol is (tetrahedral)

I don't know what other choices you had but these answers look ok to me.

its a fill in the blanks

The solvent is the _____ medium in a solution.

Sure! I can help you check your answers.

1) The molecular structure around the oxygen in water is indeed bent. To determine this, you can draw the Lewis dot structure of water, which consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. The oxygen atom has two lone pairs of electrons and two shared electron pairs. The arrangement of these electron pairs gives water a bent or V-shaped structure.

2) The molecular structure around carbons in ethanol is also tetrahedral. Ethanol is composed of two carbon atoms bonded to each other, with each carbon bonded to three hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. To determine the structure, you can draw the Lewis dot structure of ethanol and analyze the bonding. Each carbon atom in ethanol forms four sigma bonds, resulting in a tetrahedral arrangement around each carbon atom.

Based on this information, your answers in the parentheses are correct. Well done!