what happens to facilities that get branded poorly due to poor responses to unforeseen or alarming circumstances? How can they pull out of this appearance that has been created....whether they like it or not?

I just need a search engine to start, I tried looking for, but was nonsuccessful!!!!

I Googled some of those terms and found nothing.

In our city, though, we had a facility for disturbed teens. It got out of control with violent teens and a poorly trained (and probably poorly paid) staff. Finally it had to close. It's started again with new management and more careful selection of students and staff.

In addition to searching on the Internet (which clearly is not working!), you also need to make best friends with the reference librarian(s) in your local or college library. Libraries these days subscribe to enormous research databases, and they are often more useful than Internet searches. Ask your librarian if you have access to EBSCOHost -- it has several databases within it, including a huge one for academic research, one for health education, and others.

When facilities are branded poorly due to poor responses to unforeseen or alarming circumstances, it can have significant consequences for their reputation and public perception. However, there are steps they can take to mitigate the damage and improve their appearance:

1. Acknowledge the issue: It is important for the facility to recognize and accept responsibility for any mistakes or shortcomings in their response to the circumstances. They need to show genuine remorse and a commitment to addressing the situation.

2. Apologize and communicate openly: Publicly apologize for the poor response and express empathy for those affected by the situation. Transparently communicate the steps being taken to rectify the issue and prevent similar occurrences in the future. Engage with stakeholders and address their concerns promptly.

3. Conduct a thorough investigation: Evaluate the circumstances that led to the poor response and conduct an internal investigation if necessary. Identify any systemic issues that might have contributed to the problem and take remedial actions.

4. Learn from the experience: Use the incident as a learning opportunity to improve crisis management protocols and procedures. Review and update policies, train staff members accordingly, and establish reliable lines of communication during unforeseen circumstances.

5. Engage with the public: Actively engage with the public and affected parties through various channels, such as social media, press releases, or community meetings. Demonstrate a commitment to transparency, addressing concerns, and rebuilding trust.

6. Collaborate with experts: Seek the guidance of public relations professionals, crisis management consultants, or branding experts who can help navigate the process of restoring the facility's reputation. They can assist in developing a comprehensive strategy and messaging.

7. Deliver on promises: Ensure that the facility follows through on the actions promised during the recovery process. Demonstrating tangible improvements and a commitment to change will help rebuild trust and credibility.

8. Maintain ongoing communication: Continue to engage with stakeholders and the public even after the immediate crisis has passed. Sustained efforts to communicate, listen, and respond to concerns can further strengthen the facility's reputation.

Remember, rebuilding a damaged reputation takes time and consistency. By being transparent, accountable, and actively addressing the issues at hand, facilities can gradually overcome the negative perception and regain trust.