when was the:

Nancy Johnson's hand-crank ice cream freezer

Emeline Hart's commercial oven

Ellen Eglin's clothes wringer

sarah mather's submarine telscope

martha coston's saftey flare gun

emily tassey's dredging pump

henrietta vansittart's (improved version)screw propeller for ships

eliza murfey's packing and material process for parts of steam engines

thedosia jones' vacuum canning process to preserve food

thomas edison's phonograph, electric power station and kinetoscope

lummiere brothers' movie projectors

karl braun's major components for television

h. booth and m. spengler's vacuum cleaner

wright brothers' airplane



The few others, google them

My goodness, you have a lot of research to do.

Type the keywords for each invention into Google. You may add "invented" or "history."

To find the dates of invention for each of the mentioned inventions, you can follow these steps:

1. Nancy Johnson's hand-crank ice cream freezer: The hand-crank ice cream freezer was patented by Nancy Johnson in 1843. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has an online database where you can search for patents. By visiting the USPTO website (www.uspto.gov) and searching for Nancy Johnson's name or the patent number, you can find the exact date of the patent.

2. Emeline Hart's commercial oven: To determine the exact date of the invention of Emeline Hart's commercial oven, you can conduct a search using resources like historical archives or databases dedicated to historical inventors and their inventions. You can search for Emeline Hart's name along with the keywords "commercial oven" or "oven invention" to find relevant information.

3. Ellen Eglin's clothes wringer: Ellen Eglin's clothes wringer was patented on June 25, 1888. Again, you can search for Ellen Eglin's name or the patent number through the USPTO website to find the patent document, which will have the exact date.

4. Sarah Mather's submarine telescope: Unfortunately, it seems there is no definite information available regarding Sarah Mather's submarine telescope. Further research through historical archives or specialized databases may provide more details.

5. Martha Coston's safety flare gun: The invention of Martha Coston's safety flare gun dates back to the mid-19th century. Specifically, in 1859, Martha Coston was granted a patent for her improved flare signaling system. You can search for Martha Coston's name or the patent number to find the exact date.

6. Emily Tassey's dredging pump: The specific date of invention for Emily Tassey's dredging pump is not readily available. Further research through historical sources, engineering journals, or specialized databases might provide more information about the exact date of this invention.

7. Henrietta Vansittart's improved screw propeller for ships: Unfortunately, information about Henrietta Vansittart and her improved screw propeller for ships is not readily available. Additional research through historical archives or maritime engineering resources may provide more details.

8. Eliza Murfey's packing and material process for parts of steam engines: No specific information is available regarding Eliza Murfey's packing and material process for steam engines. Conducting research through historical archives, steam engineering journals, or engineering databases could yield more information.

9. Theodosia Jones' vacuum canning process: The preservation of food through vacuum canning was patented by Theodosia Jones on October 18, 1977. You can search for Theodosia Jones' name or the patent number through the USPTO website to find the exact date and details of the patent.

10. Thomas Edison's inventions:
- Phonograph: Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.
- Electric power station: Thomas Edison built the first commercial electric power station in 1882.
- Kinetoscope: Thomas Edison's kinetoscope, an early motion picture device, was patented in 1891.

You can find precise details and dates for these inventions through historical archives, research papers, or resources dedicated to Thomas Edison's work.

11. Lumiere Brothers' movie projectors: The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere, played a significant role in the development of early movie projectors. They invented the cinematograph, which combined a camera and projector, and patented it in France on February 13, 1895. Searching for the Lumiere Brothers' names and the patent number associated with the cinematograph invention should provide the exact date.

12. Karl Braun's major components for television: There is no specific information available regarding Karl Braun's major components for television. Additional research through historical archives or specialized databases might provide more details about the date and specifics of his contributions.

13. H. Booth and M. Spengler's vacuum cleaner: Unfortunately, information about H. Booth and M. Spengler's vacuum cleaner is not readily available. Further research through historical archives or specialized databases may provide more details about the date and specifics of this invention.

14. Wright Brothers' airplane: The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, invented and successfully flew their first powered airplane on December 17, 1903. This historic event took place in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, and marked the beginning of modern aviation.