These ionization energies (Kj/mol) have been reported for element "Z":

first: 500
second: 4560
third: 6910
fourth: 9540
fifth: 13400

Which of the following elements is most likely "Z"?

1. Si
2. Mg
3. Al
4. Na
5. Cl

Is it 4. Na ?

yes. IT is most likely period 1, and Na is the only alkali metal there.

To determine which of the given elements is most likely "Z" based on the reported ionization energies, we need to compare the ionization energies of each element with the reported values.

First, we need to understand the concept of ionization energy. Ionization energy refers to the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion in its gaseous state. Generally, it becomes more difficult to remove each successive electron from an atom. Therefore, the ionization energy tends to increase for each subsequent electron removal.

Looking at the reported ionization energies for element "Z":
1. First ionization energy: 500 Kj/mol
2. Second ionization energy: 4560 Kj/mol
3. Third ionization energy: 6910 Kj/mol
4. Fourth ionization energy: 9540 Kj/mol
5. Fifth ionization energy: 13400 Kj/mol

Now, let's compare these values with the given elements.

1. Si: Silicon (Si) does not match the ionization energies of "Z" because it has a higher ionization energy for its second ionization than the reported value for "Z".
2. Mg: Magnesium (Mg) also does not match the ionization energies because it has a much lower third ionization energy than the reported value for "Z".
3. Al: Aluminum (Al) does not match the ionization energies since its first ionization energy is significantly higher than the reported value for "Z".
4. Na: Sodium (Na) matches the ionization energies provided for "Z" since its first ionization energy (496 Kj/mol) is quite close to 500 Kj/mol, and its second ionization energy (4562 Kj/mol) is close to 4560 Kj/mol.
5. Cl: Chlorine (Cl) does not match the ionization energies as its first ionization energy is much higher than the reported value for "Z".

Based on the comparison, the most likely element "Z" is 4. Na (Sodium).