What s radical 20 is written in simplest radical for, the result is k radical 5. What is the value of k?



So your task is to find k such that

Can you take it from here?

To determine the value of k in the expression "k√5", where √20 is written in simplest radical form as "k√5", we need to find the value of k.

To solve this, let's simplify √20:

1. The prime factorization of 20 is 2 * 2 * 5.
2. Taking out pairs from the square roots, we have √(2 * 2 * 5).
3. Simplifying, we get √(2 * 2) * √5.
4. Further simplifying, we have 2√5.

Comparing this with the given expression "k√5", we can see that "k" is equal to 2.

Therefore, the value of k is 2 in the expression "k√5".