what is something that some clinical psychologists can do, that experimental psychologists cannot do?

In Lousianna, and New Mexico, clinical psychologists can write prescriptions, but experimental psy cannot.

Clinical psychologists attempt to directly treat human problems of individuals or groups.

"Clinical psychologists aim to reduce psychological distress and enhance and promote psychological wellbeing. They often work in health and social care settings, as part of a multidisciplinary team. They use the methods and findings of psychology and psychological theories with clients to enable them to make positive changes in their lives.

"Clinical psychologists work with people of all ages who experience mental or physical health problems. These may include:

anxiety and depression;
serious and enduring mental illness;
adjustment to physical illness;
neurological disorders;
addictive behaviours;
eating disorders;
behaviour disorders;
personal and family relationship problems;
learning disabilities."

Look up "experimental psychologist" on Google to make a comparison.

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/.

Some clinical psychologists have the ability to diagnose and treat mental health disorders, which experimental psychologists typically do not directly engage in. Clinical psychologists undergo specialized training to assess, diagnose, and provide psychotherapy or counseling for individuals with various psychological issues. On the other hand, experimental psychologists primarily focus on conducting research and experiments to study human behavior and cognition, rather than providing direct clinical services. It's important to note that while clinical psychologists can diagnose and treat mental health disorders, psychiatrists, who are medical doctors, also have the authority to prescribe medication as part of their treatment approach.