long division 10 numbers

long division 2numbers 10-256


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To perform long division with 10 numbers, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the dividend (the number you want to divide) and the divisor (the number you want to divide by) side by side. Make sure the divisor is on the left and the dividend is on the right.

Step 2: Begin dividing the leftmost digit of the dividend by the divisor. Write the quotient (the result of the division) above the dividend.

Step 3: Multiply the quotient by the divisor, and write the product below the dividend. Subtract the product from the corresponding digits of the dividend.

Step 4: Bring down the next digit from the dividend and write it next to the difference obtained in step 3.

Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 until you have processed all the digits of the dividend.

Step 6: Once all the digits have been processed, the remainder (if any) will be the final answer.

For a better understanding, let's work through an example:

Example: Divide 1234567890 by 2468.

Step 1: Write down the numbers:
2468 | 1234567890

Step 2: Divide the leftmost digit of the dividend by the divisor:
1234567890 ÷ 2468 = 500000

Write the quotient above the dividend:
2468 | 1234567890

Step 3: Multiply the quotient by the divisor:
2468 × 500000 = 1234000000

Write the product below the dividend and subtract:
- 1234567890

Step 4: Bring down the next digit from the dividend (0) and write it next to the difference obtained in step 3:
2468 | 1234567890

Step 5: Divide, multiply, and subtract:
2468 ÷ 2468 = 1
2468 × 1 = 2468
- 2468

Step 6: Since there are no more digits in the dividend, the remainder is 244422.

Therefore, when dividing 1234567890 by 2468, the quotient is 500000 and the remainder is 244422.