is the fraction -(1/5) the same as -1/5 or the same as 1/-5. thank you.

All three versions are equal.

Great question! To determine whether the fraction -(1/5) is the same as -1/5 or 1/-5, we need to understand the concept of negative fractions.

In mathematics, a negative fraction is represented by placing a negative sign (-) either in front of the whole fraction or in front of the numerator. Let's break down both cases you presented:

1. -1/5: This notation means that the whole fraction (1/5) is negative. It indicates that the fraction's value is negative, or in other words, less than zero.

2. 1/-5: In this case, the negative sign (-) is placed in front of the numerator (1), while the denominator remains positive. This notation also represents a negative fraction. Although it may not be as commonly used, mathematically, it is still valid.

So, to answer your question, -(1/5) is the same as both -1/5 and 1/-5 because they all represent negative fractions.