Are large or small data sets more appropriate for using perecentiles to summarize data? Why?

Large data sets are more appropriate for using percentiles to summarize data. Percentiles are measures that divide a data set into equally sized groups, with each group containing a certain percentage of the data. The advantage of using percentiles is that they provide a comprehensive summary of the distribution of the data.

When the data set is large, it contains a sufficient number of observations, which allows for a more accurate representation of the true population distribution. This means that the percentiles calculated from a large data set are more reliable and representative of the overall data characteristics.

In contrast, small data sets may not provide enough observations to accurately capture the entire range of values and variability in the data. As a result, percentiles calculated from a small data set are more prone to be influenced by outliers or skewness, leading to less reliable summaries of the data distribution.

In conclusion, large data sets are more appropriate for using percentiles because they provide a more accurate and representative summary of the data's distribution.