graph the system of inequalities

y>_ -2

To graph the system of inequalities y ≥ -2 and y < 3, you will need to plot these inequalities on a graph.

Step 1: Start by drawing a coordinate plane/grid with the x-axis and y-axis.

Step 2: Identify the first inequality y ≥ -2.

Since it is y ≥ -2, you need to draw a solid line through the point y = -2 on the y-axis. This is because the inequality includes the equals sign (≥), so the line will be solid.

Step 3: Shade the region above the line. Since y is greater than or equal to -2, all points above the line should be shaded.

Step 4: Identify the second inequality y < 3.

Since it is y < 3, you need to draw a dashed line through the point y = 3 on the y-axis. This is because the inequality does not include the equals sign (<), so the line will be dashed.

Step 5: Shade the region below the dashed line. Since y is strictly less than 3, all points below the dashed line should be shaded.

Step 6: The shaded regions for both inequalities will overlap, and the common shaded region will represent the solution to the system of inequalities.

Your graph should show a shaded region above the solid line y = -2 and below the dashed line y = 3.