18. Which of the following is NOT an effect of acid precipitation?

a. loss of animal and plant populations and aquatic ecosystems
b. acidiciation of soil
c. health problems and poisoning of the human body
d. increased occurrences of storms, rain, hurricanes, natural disasters

I think it's D.

Wind can blow soil away very quickly and erode soft rock, while waves erode coastlines and rivers carve deep gorges.

To determine which of the options is NOT an effect of acid precipitation, let's go through each option and explain the effects of acid precipitation step by step.

a. Loss of animal and plant populations and aquatic ecosystems: Acid precipitation can have harmful effects on animal and plant populations by damaging their habitats and interfering with their reproduction and growth. Aquatic ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, and streams, can be particularly affected, leading to the decline or extinction of certain species.

b. Acidification of soil: Acid precipitation can lead to the acidification of soil, which negatively affects plant growth and nutritional content. It alters the pH levels of the soil, making it less suitable for many types of plants.

c. Health problems and poisoning of the human body: Acid precipitation can have adverse effects on human health. When acid precipitation comes into contact with the human body, it can lead to skin problems, respiratory issues, and in severe cases, poisoning.

d. Increased occurrences of storms, rain, hurricanes, natural disasters: This option does not align with the effects of acid precipitation. Acid precipitation primarily affects the environment, ecosystems, and human health, but it does not directly cause an increase in occurrences of storms, rain, hurricanes, or other natural disasters.

Based on the explanations provided, you are correct. Option d, "increased occurrences of storms, rain, hurricanes, natural disasters," is NOT an effect of acid precipitation.

I agree.