Why isn’t the six atom ring created when ASA binds to Fe3+ flat like the benzene ring?

is it because that Fe3+ distorted the angles tats why it is not flat

The reason the six-atom ring formed by acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) binding to Fe3+ is not flat like a benzene ring is due to the distortion caused by the Fe3+ ion. When ASA binds to Fe3+, the Fe3+ ion introduces a steric effect, altering the angles between the atoms in the ring. This distortion disrupts the planarity, causing the ring to adopt a non-planar conformation.

To understand this concept, it is essential to have a basic understanding of chemistry and molecular geometry. The shape of a molecule is determined by the arrangement of atoms and the bonds between them. In the case of benzene, the carbon atoms are arranged in a hexagonal ring, and the bond angles between the carbon atoms are all approximately 120 degrees. This regular arrangement of bonds allows the benzene ring to be flat.

However, when ASA binds to Fe3+, the Fe3+ ion occupies a position in the center of the ring. This introduces bulky groups and alters the geometry of the ring. The Fe3+ ion tends to pull the atoms closer together, leading to a contraction of bond angles. As a result, the ASA-Fe3+ complex adopts a distorted, non-planar conformation.

To visualize this, you can try using molecular modeling software or drawing the structure on paper. Start with the benzene ring and then introduce an Fe3+ ion at the center, taking into account the steric effects of Fe3+ on the atoms of the ring. By doing so, you will be able to observe the distortion and understand why the six-atom ring is not flat in the ASA-Fe3+ complex.