when subtracting 288 from 506 how would thinking of 500 as 50 tens help you?

Round 288 t0 300 and Round 506 to 500.

BTW, the Subject is not 3rd grade but Math, if you wish a Math teacher to read your post.


506 - 288 = ?

If you have 50 tens, then borrowing one ten for the ones column (to give you 16 - 8) leaves you 49 tens remaining. Then you can subtract 8 from the 9 remaining in the tens column and the 2 from the 4 in the hundreds column.

Does that help you understand?

When subtracting 288 from 506, thinking of 500 as 50 tens can help simplify the subtraction process by breaking down the numbers into their place values. Let's go through the steps of how this thinking can be helpful:

Step 1: Recognize the place values:
506 can be written as 500 + 6
288 can be written as 200 + 80 + 8

Step 2: Break down 500:
Thinking of 500 as 50 tens means that we can break it down further into 50 * 10.

So, 506 becomes (50 * 10) + 6
And, 288 becomes (20 * 10) + (8 * 10) + 8

Step 3: Rearrange the terms:
Now, let's rearrange the terms to group the tens and units together, which can make the subtraction easier.

506 can be written as (50 * 10) + 6
288 can be written as (20 * 10) + 8 + (8 * 10)

Step 4: Subtract tens and units separately:
Now, subtract the tens and units separately:

Subtracting the tens:
(50 * 10) - (20 * 10) = 30 * 10 = 300

Subtracting the units:
6 - 8 = -2
8 + (8 * 10) = 8 + 80 = 88

Step 5: Combine the results:
Finally, combine the results of the tens and units:

300 - 2 - 88 = 210

Therefore, by thinking of 500 as 50 tens, it allows us to break down the numbers into place values, making it easier to subtract 288 from 506. The result of this subtraction is 210.