A public utility (a) is a monopoly (B) make use of the public property (C) does not ordinarily compete with other public untilities of the same kind in a communtity (D) all of these.

What do you think?


i think

The correct answer is (D) all of the above.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the statements provided:

(A) A public utility is a monopoly: This means that a public utility is the sole provider of a specific service in a particular area. They have exclusive control over that service and there is no direct competition.

(B) A public utility makes use of public property: Public utilities, such as electricity or water companies, utilize public infrastructure or resources to provide their services. This can include things like power grids, water treatment plants, or pipelines that are owned by the government or the public.

(C) A public utility does not ordinarily compete with other public utilities of the same kind in a community: Public utilities usually operate in a specific geographic area and do not compete directly with other public utilities providing the same service in that area. Instead, they focus on serving the community they are assigned to.

Based on these statements, we can conclude that a public utility is a monopoly, as it is a sole provider. It also utilizes public property and does not generally compete with other public utilities in the same community. Therefore, the correct answer is (D) all of these.