
Complete the table for this equation.

x y (x,y)

If the value for x = -1, put that into the equation and solve for y. Do the same for the other values of x.

y = -1/2 (-1) - 4 = 1/2 - 4 = -3 1/2 = -3.5

I hope this helps.

1. You are planning to spend no less than $6,000 and no more than $10,000 on your landscaping project.

a. Write an inequality that demonstrates how much money you will are willing to spend on the project.

To complete the table for the equation y = -1/2x - 4, we need to substitute different values of x into the equation and solve for y. Here's how you can do it:

1. For x = -1:
Substitute x = -1 into the equation:
y = -1/2(-1) - 4
y = 1/2 - 4
y = -7/2

The coordinates (x,y) for x = -1 would be (-1, -7/2).

2. For x = -2:
Substitute x = -2 into the equation:
y = -1/2(-2) - 4
y = 2 - 4
y = -2

The coordinates (x,y) for x = -2 would be (-2, -2).

3. For x = -4:
Substitute x = -4 into the equation:
y = -1/2(-4) - 4
y = 2 - 4
y = -2

The coordinates (x,y) for x = -4 would also be (-4, -2).

4. For x = 2:
Substitute x = 2 into the equation:
y = -1/2(2) - 4
y = -1 - 4
y = -5

The coordinates (x,y) for x = 2 would be (2, -5).

5. For x = 8:
Substitute x = 8 into the equation:
y = -1/2(8) - 4
y = -4 - 4
y = -8

The coordinates (x,y) for x = 8 would be (8, -8).

So, the completed table would be:

x | y | (x,y)
-1 | -7/2| (-1, -7/2)
-2 | -2 | (-2, -2)
-4 | -2 | (-4, -2)
2 | -5 | (2, -5)
8 | -8 | (8, -8)