Determine the percent error in this approximate value. (There are 365.24 days in one year.)

the answer is .446%

To determine the percent error in the approximate value, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the difference between the approximate value and the accepted value.
The accepted value for the number of days in a year is 365.

Approximate Value: 365.24
Accepted Value: 365

Difference = Approximate Value - Accepted Value = 365.24 - 365 = 0.24

Step 2: Calculate the absolute value of the difference.
Absolute Difference = |0.24| = 0.24

Step 3: Divide the absolute difference by the accepted value.
Percent Error = (Absolute Difference / Accepted Value) * 100

Percent Error = (0.24 / 365) * 100 = 0.065753 %

Therefore, the percent error in the approximate value is approximately 0.065753%.

To determine the percent error in this approximate value, we need to compare it to the actual value and calculate the difference. In this case, the approximate value is 365.24 days.

The actual value, on the other hand, is commonly rounded to 365 days in a year. Let's calculate the difference between the approximate and actual values:

Approximate value = 365.24 days
Actual value = 365 days

Difference = Approximate value - Actual value
Difference = 365.24 days - 365 days
Difference = 0.24 days

Now, to calculate the percent error, we divide the difference by the actual value and multiply the result by 100:

Percent error = (Difference / Actual value) * 100
Percent error = (0.24 days / 365 days) * 100
Percent error ≈ 0.0658%

Therefore, the percent error in the approximate value of 365.24 days is approximately 0.0658%.

The actual number of days in a complete orbital revolution is not quite 365.24. A more accurate value is

365 + 97/400 = 365.2425

(There are 97 leap years in a 400 year period. Century years are only leap years if they are divisible by 400)

The relative error in the number you provided is
0.0025/365.24 = 7*10^-6, or .0007%