What are good coding practices? How can these be integrated into the learning of how to code in XHTML? What effects will it have on a web page if container tags or stand-alone non-empty tags are not used when coding in HTML?

Good coding practices are essential for writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code. They help improve readability, organization, and ensure best practices are followed. When it comes to coding in XHTML, here are some good practices you can integrate into your learning:

1. Consistent Indentation: Use proper indentation to make your code more readable. This helps identify nested elements and improves the overall structure.

2. Meaningful Naming Conventions: Use descriptive names for your variables, functions, and classes. This makes your code self-explanatory and easier to understand for yourself and others.

3. Commenting: Add comments to your code to provide explanations, clarify complex logic, or document any important details. This helps others (including future you) understand your code more easily.

4. Efficient Code: Strive for efficiency by optimizing your code for performance. This includes avoiding unnecessary computations, minimizing file sizes, and using appropriate algorithms and data structures.

5. Reusability: Write reusable code by breaking complex tasks into smaller functions or modules. This allows you to use the same code in different parts of your project, reducing redundancy and improving maintainability.

6. Error Handling: Implement proper error handling to handle unexpected situations gracefully. This could include validating user input, handling exceptions, and providing helpful error messages.

Integrating these practices into your learning process will help you develop good coding habits from the start, making it easier to write clean and maintainable code.

Now, let's move on to the effects of not using container tags or stand-alone non-empty tags in HTML:

Container tags, such as `<div>` or `<span>`, are used to group and organize content within a web page. By not using container tags, your HTML structure will lack proper organization and hierarchy, making it harder to understand and maintain.

Stand-alone non-empty tags, like `<br>`, `<hr>`, or `<img>`, serve specific purposes and should be used appropriately. If they are not used when needed, it can lead to incorrect formatting, missing images, or broken layouts on your web page.

For example, not using a `<br>` tag where line breaks are needed can result in cramped content, making it difficult to read. Not using an `<img>` tag correctly with the appropriate attributes can result in missing or broken images on your page.

Overall, improper usage or neglecting container tags and stand-alone non-empty tags in HTML can lead to poorly structured and malfunctioning web pages. It is important to follow the HTML standards and use these tags correctly to ensure the proper display and functioning of your website.