we know that people need more oxygen when they are active. draw conclusins on why it is so.

To understand why people need more oxygen when they are active, we need to consider the biological processes that take place in the human body during physical activity.

1. Increased muscle contractions: During physical activity, muscles contract and relax more frequently. These contractions require energy, which is produced by the breakdown of glucose through a process called cellular respiration. Oxygen is a crucial component of cellular respiration because it helps to release energy from glucose efficiently. Therefore, increased muscle contractions demand more oxygen to sustain the energy production process.

2. Increased metabolic rate: When we are active, our metabolic rate rises. Metabolism refers to the chemical processes happening within the body to maintain life. In simple terms, it is the rate at which our body converts food into energy. During physical activity, our body needs more energy to perform tasks such as running, jumping, or exercising. This increased demand for energy results in an increased metabolic rate, subsequently requiring more oxygen for the proper functioning of the metabolic processes.

3. Removal of waste products: During physical activity, our body produces waste products like carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and heat. The removal of these waste products is vital for maintaining physiological equilibrium. Oxygen, along with the respiratory system, plays a crucial role in the elimination of carbon dioxide via the lungs. Therefore, to efficiently remove waste products, our body requires a higher oxygen intake.

4. Increased heart rate and blood circulation: When we are active, our heart rate increases to pump more oxygenated blood to our muscles and organs. The higher heart rate ensures that oxygen and nutrients are delivered efficiently to the working muscles and tissues. Additionally, the increased blood circulation helps remove waste products from the cells. This process promotes better oxygenation of tissues and facilitates the metabolic activities required during physical exertion.

In conclusion, people need more oxygen when they are active due to increased muscle contractions, higher metabolic rate, removal of waste products, and enhanced heart rate and blood circulation. Understanding these biological processes helps us comprehend the physiological reasons behind the need for higher oxygen intake during physical activities.