I have to write a college essay but I don't know how to begin it

the prompt is who has been the most influentail people in my life
and the answer is my parents

so what's a good first sentence I want it to be catchy and let the reader be interested fast

Have you written your outline for this essay?

As you detail the reasons your parents have been influential, you'll probably discover a good first sentence.

the professor told us to start out with a catchy sentence

then Plan it
I wanna say that my parents influenced me because they gave me opportunites by coming to America

I suggest you emphasize the sacrifices that your parents made as immigrants.

How about?

Immigrating to the United States was a challenge for my parents.

I feel like it's a sentence for a freshman or a sophomore to use

I'm a junior and I'm wanting to grab you in so you can read the rest

thank you though:)

How about starting with a brief anecdote?

I keep remembering one of the essays an immigrant friend of mine wrote -- entitled "Spaghetti with Chopsticks."

To begin your college essay on the most influential people in your life, your parents, you can consider starting with a captivating and engaging opening sentence. A good approach is to highlight a personal anecdote or a thought-provoking statement that reflects the impact your parents have had on shaping your values, beliefs, and character. Here's an example of a catchy opening sentence:

"As I reflect on the individuals who have left an indelible mark on my existence, it is unequivocally evident that the magnetic force of influence radiates relentlessly from the very embodiment of my roots - my parents."

To make it even more captivating, you can enhance the imagery by describing a particular memory or experience that encapsulates the profound impact they have had on your life. Remember to be authentic and true to your own experience while crafting your essay.