Which algebraic expression has the same value as 32x + 8 ? explain answer..thanks


Multiply each one out and you will see see.

8(4x+8) = 32x + 64, so that isn't the answer.


To find the algebraic expression that has the same value as 32x + 8, we need to determine which expression is equivalent in terms of simplification.

Let's analyze each option:

1. 4(x+2): To simplify this expression, we can distribute 4 to both terms inside the parentheses, giving us 4x + 8. This expression is not equivalent to 32x + 8.

2. 8(4x+1): Following the same distribution method as above, we obtain 32x + 8. This expression is equivalent to the original expression 32x + 8.

3. 4(8x+1): Distributing 4 to both terms inside the parentheses, we get 32x + 4. This expression is not equivalent to 32x + 8.

4. 8(4x+8): By distributing 8 to both terms inside the parentheses, we end up with 32x + 64. This expression is also not equivalent to 32x + 8.

Therefore, the algebraic expression that has the same value as 32x + 8 is option 2, which is 8(4x+1).