What is the rising action (complications) in Romeo and Juliet? The rising actions consists of a series of complications. These occur as the main characters take action to resolve their problems.

I'm not sure..please help


The rising action is every event between the beginning of the conflict and the climax. Check the Sparknotes site.

To identify the rising action (complications) in Romeo and Juliet, you need to look for the series of events that occur as the main characters try to solve their problems or pursue their goals. Here are the key complications that make up the rising action in the play:

1. Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love at the Capulet's party, even though their families are feuding. This sets up the central conflict of the play.

2. Romeo sneaks into the Capulet's orchard to meet Juliet, and they confess their love for each other. However, they soon realize the challenges they face due to their families' hostility.

3. Juliet's arranged marriage to Paris is announced, causing distress and creating a major obstacle for her and Romeo. She decides to seek help from Friar Laurence.

4. Friar Laurence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet in secret, hoping that their union will end the feud between their families. This leads to a complex plan to fake Juliet's death so she can be with Romeo without her parents' interference.

5. Tybalt, Juliet's hot-headed cousin, challenges Romeo to a duel, resulting in Tybalt's and Mercutio's deaths. This intensifies the already delicate situation and leads to Romeo's banishment.

6. Juliet's parents insist on her marrying Paris, unaware of her secret marriage to Romeo. Juliet seeks the help of Friar Laurence again, who provides her with a potion to make her appear dead for a short period.

These complications build up the tension and create obstacles for Romeo and Juliet, leading to the eventual tragedy. The rising action sets the stage for the climax of the play, where the conflicts reach their peak.