I need help with these two questions please. I cannot figure out what goes with what. Thanks.

The orderly design and purpose of nature which verifies a divine intelligence is a(n) ? argument.
1. teleological
2. cosmological
3. anthropological

The analogy between man and his Creator which verifies a moral power is a(n) ? argument.
1. teleological
2. cosmological
3. anthropological

To determine the answer to these two questions, we need to understand the definitions of the given terms and then match them with their appropriate descriptions.

1. The orderly design and purpose of nature which verifies a divine intelligence is a(n) _______ argument.

a. Teleological
b. Cosmological
c. Anthropological

To find the correct answer, let's break down the meanings of the terms:

- Teleological: This term relates to the study of purpose or design in natural phenomena.

- Cosmological: This term refers to the study of the origin, structure, and dynamics of the universe.

- Anthropological: This term pertains to the study of human beings, their culture, and their development.

Now, let's analyze the given statement: "The orderly design and purpose of nature which verifies a divine intelligence." This statement focuses on the order and purpose found in nature, which suggests the existence of a divine intelligence.

From the definitions provided, it becomes evident that the term that best matches the description is "teleological." Therefore, the answer to the first question is:

1. Teleological

Moving on to the second question:

2. The analogy between man and his Creator which verifies a moral power is a(n) _______ argument.

a. Teleological
b. Cosmological
c. Anthropological

Now, let's analyze the meanings of the remaining terms:

- Teleological: The study of purpose or design in natural phenomena.

- Cosmological: The study of the origin, structure, and dynamics of the universe.

- Anthropological: The study of human beings, their culture, and their development.

The given statement refers to the analogy between man and his Creator, specifically emphasizing the moral power. This implies a comparison between human characteristics and the attributes of a higher being.

From the definitions provided, it becomes apparent that the term that best matches the given description is "anthropological." Therefore, the answer to the second question is:

2. Anthropological

By understanding the definitions of the terms and analyzing the given statements, we were able to determine the correct answers.

I believe the 1st question is number 2. & the 2nd question is number 3. Can anyone confirm this. Thanks.