You have 4.0 g of solid A, 100.00 mL of water (100.0 g of water), and the total mass of solid A combined with 100.00 mL of water is found to be 104.0 g. The mass percent of A in this solution is ...

Mass percent (w/w) is defined as the mass of the solute/mass of solution and all of that times 100.

(4.0/104)*100 = ??
Watch the number of significant figures.


To find the mass percent of A in the solution, we need to determine the mass of A in the solution and then calculate it as a percentage of the total mass of the solution.

First, let's determine the mass of A in the solution:
Mass of A in the solution = Total mass of solid A combined with water - Mass of water
Mass of A in the solution = 104.0 g - 100.0 g
Mass of A in the solution = 4.0 g

Now, we can calculate the mass percent of A in the solution:
Mass percent of A = (Mass of A in the solution / Total mass of the solution) x 100

Total mass of the solution = Mass of solid A + Mass of water
Total mass of the solution = 4.0 g + 100.0 g
Total mass of the solution = 104.0 g

Substituting the values into the formula:
Mass percent of A = (4.0 g / 104.0 g) x 100
Mass percent of A = 3.85%

Therefore, the mass percent of A in this solution is approximately 3.85%.