I am supposed to figure out if these are consistent or inconsistant ,but I am arriving at only one point for my answer, telling me this is constant but dependent am I doing something horribly wrong?


One equation can be derived from the other, by multiplying both sides by -1 and rearranging. They are consistent equations, and there is no unique solution. It is the same as having only one equation for two variables.

I think they are independent am I right?And would my answer be no solution or a point, my worksheet specifies for no solution, a point, and many solutions...I marked a point.

They are not independent. There are many (actually, infinite) solutions

To determine if a system of equations is consistent or inconsistent, you need to check if the equations have a common solution or if they contradict each other. In this case, let's solve the system of equations step by step:

Equation 1: 8x - 9y = -63
Equation 2: 9y - 8x = 63

Step 1: Rearrange Equation 2
To make it easier to solve the system, let's rearrange Equation 2 to isolate y:
9y - 8x = 63
9y = 8x + 63
y = (8/9)x + 7

Step 2: Compare the Slopes
When comparing the two equations, notice that both have the same coefficients for x and y but with opposite signs. This means their slopes are equal. In this example, the slope is 8/9 for both equations.

Step 3: Check for Consistency or Inconsistency
Since the slopes are equal and the y-intercepts are different (0 in Equation 1 and 7 in Equation 2), the system of equations represents two parallel lines. This type of system is called an inconsistent or contradictory system.

Inconsistent systems have no common solution since parallel lines never intersect. Therefore, if you are arriving at a single point as the answer, it means you made an error during the solving process. In this case, the system of equations is inconsistent.