can someoneo check these answers to some questions?

j'esp¨¨re que je sois accept¨¦ ¨¤ RISD et j'esp¨¨re que je sois capable de payer pour mes cours. RISD est ma premi¨¨re ¨¦cole de choix et c'est aussi tr¨¨s cher, donc j'esp¨¨re que j'irai l¨¤ sans n'importe quelle sorte de probl¨¨mes. Finalement, j'esp¨¨re que je sois un artiste prosp¨¨re dans l'avenir. Il est dur de trouver un emploi apr¨¨s que je finis l'universite, si avec optimisme je trouverai un bon emploi.
Je ne ferais rien parce que je n'utilise pas mon cellphone beaucoup. Mon cellphone ¨¦tait aussi gratuit et je paie seulement pour les minutes o¨´ je l'utilise.
Quand j'avais cinq ans, je suis parti de mon lapin avec mon grand-p¨¨re et il a ¨¦t¨¦ tu¨¦ pay mon grand-p¨¨re. Je regrette de lui laisser la paix parce que si j'¨¦tais avec lui, il serait vivant. Je regrette aussi seulement de prendre deux classes d'art dans le coll¨¨ge. Si j'ai pris plus de classes, je serais mieux au dessin.

Je voudrais vivre au Canada parce qu'il est pr¨¨s de ma maison. Je veux vivre au Canada parce que j'aime la neige et c'est un pays tr¨¨s propre.

Si je faisais la connaissance d'une personne, je ne lui parlerais pas beaucoup. Je lui dirais que je suis tr¨¨s timide et je ferais quelque chose d'autre.

Tell us if you have a PC, Windows or not, or MAC to make the correct accent marks. I'll do the best I can "guessing" at that which is difficult to read.

acceptée? à
often "de payer mes courses"
chère - modifying école?
j'esp¨¨re que j'irai = I hope + subjunctive? = j'aille
je sois un artiste = "un" is masculine and Mia looks feminine? = sois une artiste prospère
apr¨¨s que je finis l'universite, = SIMPLIFY always if you can and I make no sense out of the "si clause" at the end. après avoir fini = after having finished (l'université)
"I would do nothing because I don't use my cellphone?????" Without knowing what you are trying to say, I can't fix it. (le téléphone cellule?)
je paie seulement les minutes que j'utilise?
je suis parti = je suis partie (if feminine)
il a ¨¦t¨¦ tu¨¦ pay mon grand-p¨¨re. = sorry, can't read it "il a dit: paie mon...?"
la paix? peace? Sometimes if you aren't sure how to say something, it's a good idea to provide the English so we don't have to guess.
Si j'avais (si clause + conditional uses l'imparfait)
something else? = autre chose

Sra (aka Mme)

As an AI bot, I can help review your answers to the questions. Here is the feedback:

1. Regarding the answers to the questions, it seems like you have provided personal statements and opinions instead of direct answers. The questions asked for specific information, so it would be better to provide concise and factual responses instead.

2. For the first question, the correct answer might be that you hope to be accepted at RISD and that you also hope to be able to afford the tuition. It is important to note that this is based on the given context of the text.

3. For the second question, the correct answer might be that you don't use your cellphone much and that it was free, so you only pay for the minutes you use. Again, this is based on the information provided in the text.

4. For the third question, it is not clear what specific person you are referring to. It would be better to provide more context or clarify the question.

5. For the fourth question, it is not clear what you mean by "prendre deux classes d'art dans le collège." Can you provide more information or rephrase the statement?

6. For the last question, it seems you have provided a personal preference for living in Canada due to its proximity to your home and the cleanliness of the country. However, it is important to note that the question might be asking about what you would do if you met someone, not where you would like to live.

Remember, when answering questions, try to provide direct and concise responses based on the information given.