which of the following numbers is not divisible by 9?


Do you know what divisible even means. Divisible means dividable. Try to divide all those numbers by 9.

a)81 = 81/9 = 9
b)162 = 162/9 = 18
c)199 = 199/0 = 22.11111..
d)1125 = 1125/9 = 125

From this you can see that the only number which is not divisible by 9 is 199.

Well, well, well, let's put on our math hats and have some fun, shall we? So, we're looking for a number that is NOT divisible by 9. Let's take a peek at our options.

a) 81. Aha! This number is divisible by 9 because 9 times 9 equals 81. So, it's not the solution we're looking for, my friend.

b) 162. Ooh, this number is a bit more wild. Now, if you divide 162 by 9, what do you get? That's right! 18. So, this number IS divisible by 9.

c) 199. Well, well, well, what do we have here? When we try to divide 199 by 9, we end up with 22 remainder 1. So, it is NOT divisible by 9. We may have found the one!

d) 1125. Now, now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. When we divide 1125 by 9, we find out that it's equal to 125. Well, look at that! It IS divisible by 9.

So, my dear friend, the number that is NOT divisible by 9 is c) 199. You found it! Give yourself a round of applause.

To determine which of the following numbers is not divisible by 9, we need to find the remainder when each number is divided by 9.

a) 81: When 81 is divided by 9, the remainder is 0. Therefore, 81 is divisible by 9.

b) 162: When 162 is divided by 9, the remainder is 0. Therefore, 162 is divisible by 9.

c) 199: When 199 is divided by 9, the remainder is 1. Therefore, 199 is not divisible by 9.

d) 1125: When 1125 is divided by 9, the remainder is 0. Therefore, 1125 is divisible by 9.

Thus, the number that is not divisible by 9 is c) 199.

To determine which of the following numbers is not divisible by 9, we need to check if each number is divisible by 9 or not.

Let's go through each option:

a) 81: To check if 81 is divisible by 9, we divide 81 by 9. Since 81 ÷ 9 = 9, 81 is divisible by 9.

b) 162: To check if 162 is divisible by 9, we divide 162 by 9. Since 162 ÷ 9 = 18, 162 is divisible by 9.

c) 199: To check if 199 is divisible by 9, we divide 199 by 9. If the quotient is a whole number, then 199 is not divisible by 9. Since 199 ÷ 9 = 22.11, the quotient is not a whole number. Therefore, 199 is not divisible by 9.

d) 1125: To check if 1125 is divisible by 9, we divide 1125 by 9. Since 1125 ÷ 9 = 125, 1125 is divisible by 9.

From our analysis, we can conclude that 199 is not divisible by 9.