Which is greater?

7 3/4 or 7 2/3

Find the common denominator.

7 3/4 = 7 9/12
7 2/3 = 7 8/12

To compare the two numbers, 7 3/4 and 7 2/3, you need to convert them into a common fraction or decimal form.

Let's convert both numbers to fractions with the same denominator:

- For 7 3/4, multiply the whole number, 7, by the denominator of the fraction, 4, which gives you 28. Then add the numerator, 3, to get 31. The fraction becomes 31/4.

- For 7 2/3, multiply the whole number, 7, by the denominator of the fraction, 3, which gives you 21. Then add the numerator, 2, to get 23. The fraction becomes 23/3.

Now that both numbers are expressed as fractions with the same denominator, you can compare them.

To compare fractions, you can either find a common denominator and compare the numerators, or convert them to decimals.

Comparing the fractions directly:
Since 31/4 > 23/3, we can conclude that 7 3/4 is greater than 7 2/3.

Alternatively, converting fractions to decimals and comparing:
Dividing 31 by 4 gives you 7.75 (31 ÷ 4 = 7.75).
Dividing 23 by 3 gives you 7.666... (repeating decimal) (23 ÷ 3 = 7.666...).

Comparing the decimals:
As 7.75 > 7.666..., we can again conclude that 7 3/4 is greater than 7 2/3.