Simplifying fractions. I can get from this:

8b^2 + 6b

To this:

Not sure from there.

Try the distrubutive property, or cancelling

i just don't know if i have to take that another step or not. my teacher said that if in the 2nd step we could not canel anything out that we did something wrong, i am unable to cancel anything out but i can't find another way to set up the problem.

To simplify the fraction (4b^2 - 5b - 6) / (8b^2 + 6b), you have correctly factored the numerator as (4b+3)(b-2).

Now, let's simplify the denominator. The denominator can be factored as 2b(4b + 3b).

Simplifying further, we can combine like terms in the denominator to get 2b(7b).

So now, the fraction is (4b+3)(b-2) / 2b(7b).

However, we can still simplify it further.

Notice that both the numerator and the denominator have a factor of (4b+3). We can cancel this common factor to simplify the fraction.

Cancelling out (4b+3) from both the numerator and denominator, we get:

(4b+3)(b-2) / 2b(7b) = (b-2) / 2b(7b).

Finally, the simplified fraction is (b-2) / 2b(7b).